A master passes: Massimo Vignelli 1931 – 2014

A master passes: Massimo Vignelli 1931 – 2014


A master passes: Massimo Vignelli 1931 – 2014

The legendary designer, Massimo Vignelli, passed today at 83.


May 27th, 2014

A sad day. The legendary designer, Massimo Vignelli, passed today at 83. There are few designers who have has such a broad impact on design and designers.

Michael Bierut remembers Massimo in this wonderful piece: http://observatory.designobserver.com/feature/massimo-vignelli-1931-2014/38336/

Some of my personal favorite Massimo inspirations: The immortal, ever-true canon:http://www.vignelli.com/canon.pdf

And some great talks that are worth listening to over and over through the years to remind us what we're doing as designers: